Sun City Tanning

We have a range of tanning beds to suit your tanning requirements and personal preference.

Our beds are routinely tested and the tubes are changed regularly to ensure that you have the best possible tanning experience.

All of our tanning services are on a ‘walk-in’ basis – there is no need to book in advance. If you’re new to tanning, our salon has experienced tanners on our staff who will be delighted to work with you to understand your tanning plans.

People come to tanning salons for many reasons – usually that is to get a quick tan before a specific event or as a lifestyle choice to maintain a particular colour in a safe and cost effective way.

We also have some long standing customers who rely on our beds for some of the associated health benefits, such as the collagen beds for people with specific skin requirements, or for Vitamin D and the general feeling of well-being they get after using our beds.

To get the maximum benefit out of your session, we recommend the use of tanning creams and lotions that improve the speed and depth of your tan. We sell a range of products of moisturisers, accelerators, bronzers and tingle creams. Again, our experienced team will be able to advise you on the most appropriate product for your skin type and tanning aims.

We have a large selection of different beds to suit all user and preferences:-


The Ergoline brand is generally recognised as the ‘gold standard’ of tanning beds and is the most popular with our customers. The base acrylic features a ‘wave’ profile for extra comfort.


Our ‘Inferno’ bed features the highest wattage bulbs for the quickest tan possible. The inferno is our hottest bed and aimed at our more experienced tanners.

Collagen Bed

Red light specifically stimulates the growth of collagen, making this a great skin treatment.

As well as promoting healthy skin, it helps to reduce the signs of ageing and is also recommended as a treatment for skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis.

Leg Tanner

Have you ever noticed that your legs can take some time to get a tan?  This is because the skin is thicker than elsewhere and produces less melanin.  The leg tanner allows for have additional tanning time focused just on your legs straight after your normal  tanning session.

Lie Down or Stand Up?

The choice is yours – we have a range of beds to suit your personal preference. 

Some of our clients like to nip in for a quick stand up session, others prefer to come in for longer with a lie down, to relax and unwind. Either way, we recommend alternating to avoid any white ‘pressure point’ patches for the best, even, overall tan.