
This new and innovated technology uses ultrasounds to implode fat cells into tiny microscopic fluids so the body can eliminate them naturally by disposing of them through the urinary tract and lymphatic system.

Ultracavitation is a very effective procedure with guaranteed results achievable after just one hour session. After the initial treatments are completed, maintenance treatments consist of one session each month for 4 months followed by one treatment every 4 months. It is completely safe and painless with results seen in just a few weeks after treatment.

The procedure works to remove superficial fat and fat accumulation that is non-volumetric. It is applied directly to specific areas of the skin surface using an ultra sound device after a gel is applied. Results can sometimes be noticed after the first treatment with more improvement noticed within a few days.

Each person who participates in this treatment undergoes an individual plan provided by the therapist or physician for evaluation of how much cellulite and fat tissue should be removed for safe and effective results.

After each ultrasonic cavitation treatment session, the patient is encouraged to drink plenty of fluids, move about in a calm and gentle manner and use pneumatic massage for improving circulation and helping to eliminate the fluids faster. Manual lymph-draining massage is also encouraged to improve the lymphatic system, which helps to drain fluids.

This new, modern technology can be used for the treatment of obesity, cellulite, flabbiness, tissue reaffirmation and as an alternative to liposuction or liposculpture, for ridding the body of deep fat cells. It also increases blood flow, providing increased circulation and it can even work to improve skin quality.

Ultracavitation can be considered a deep fat blaster that reduces stubborn fat cells that cannot be removed with exercise and diet alone. This treatment works on the abdomen, legs and thighs to remove fat and reshape the body areas without surgery that can often cause many painful side-effects. It also tightens and rejuvenates your skin at the same time.