
Active Life is the ladies only gym at Sun City.  Situated upstairs and well away from the rest of our salon, the gym is a quiet haven for our members.  

The gym features 10 motor assisted machines that rely on increasing levels of resistance to exercise specific muscle groups depending on your level of fitness.   Each machine restricts free movement, so all exercises are low impact and fully controlled to avoid any joint stress or muscle damage.  In this respect, the exercises are idea for women of all ages and levels of fitness, and can be safely used for rehabilitation following surgery or childbirth.

Every member has a free trial and induction to the equipment together with an initial health assessment with 6 weekly reviews.

Our gym manager, Sue is a superstar.  She will bring you into the Active Life family and ensure that your membership is working for you every step of the way.  Sue is a mine of knowledge of all things health related and she lives her life to the full.  Her enthusiasm is infectious, building a personal relationship with everyone in the gym, helping all to reach their goals.